About Us

Your Memories Framed

At Rendition Gallery, we believe in the power of art and home décor to transform spaces, evoke emotions, and tell stories. We're not just a custom framed photo art business; we're your partner in creating the perfect backdrop for your cherished memories and aspirations! We understand that every image holds a story, and we're here to help you tell it your way.

Our Commitment to Excellence

What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to quality.

  • 100% Real Wood

    We believe that your art deserves the best. That's why our frames are crafted from real wood, adding a touch of authenticity and warmth to your space.

  • Locally Made

    Located in Illinois, USA, our products are proudly assembled on-site, reflecting our dedication to supporting local craftsmanship and ensuring meticulous quality control.

  • High-Quality Prints

    Your memories deserve to be showcased in all their glory. Our high-quality photo prints capture every detail, color, and emotion, ensuring your art remains as vivid as the day the photo was taken.

  • Unparalleled Variety

    Every photo has a story! Our wide selection of frame colors, sizes, styles let you tell yours in a way that's unique to you.

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Meet Our Team

Our success is built on the dedication and passion of our close-knit team. Every member of the Rendition Gallery family shares the same commitment: to make photo art accessible and personal. Our impressive team boasts artists, dreamers, and creatives who understand the transformative power of art and home décor!

Rendition Gallery strives to be a testament to the power of diversity and inclusion. We're proud to be a premier minority and woman-owned business, driving positive change in the industry.

Make Your Space Your Own!

So, whether it's adding a touch of elegance to your living room, creating a gallery wall of your adventures, or gifting a cherished memory to a loved one, Rendition Gallery's here to make it happen!

What are you waiting for? Start transforming your photos into something truly extraordinary – a reflection of your style, personality, and memories.